The most challenging of the three modules....TUOG is so near yet so far, thought this is d way to do... no it is not... put this in, nop want it out...
Group work sometimes put us in this testing mode; duties allocation, directions spread out... pretending to be when it is not.
This is all learning and using the Therapeutic link to gel the missing parts together to make the picture complete is another learning. Staying in humility ...
Standing still when the going gets tough and let it passed as a 'scanner'- enjoying the sound and lights at the same time.
As I have mentioned on the TUOG presentation day, this last module opened a whole new world for me especially at a time when group work was being run and the opportunity to test out the system and do the fine alignments. How to be congruent and authentic when met with obstacles in handling the problems... that we focus on the situation not the person. How to rejoice even in adversity.... The dynamics of the whole team...coming together and moving apart like the waves...
Tuog seemed like a printer scanner at times, get to the original facts...when it cannot be download it can still be scanned and worked on it.
This is also the most rewarding as the ending is highly motivated to be able to take my plans to the next level. Finally it gave me the opportunity to test it out all: 3 CPPD modules: Small world play, Therapeutic of story and Therapeutic use of Group at the 1st Penang mental health expo one after another.
For those who attended the Penang Mental Health expo I hope you have a chance to see the magic world of creativity set up by I-ling, Melinda and myself the day before Oct 10. What an auspiscious day the opening was 101009. My heartfelt thanks to the rest of the volunteers: Seok Binn, Shin, Jaff, Mr Goh and Lily... to the 15 teenagers who experience TUOG and the wonderful 9 mamas with their beautiful 9 children who experienced 'Small world Play' and the LWEH trainee nurses in TUOS...
In the world of CAT, there is no limit as to where one rise above and beyong the magical space... to be able to touch another fellow being in this therapeutic relationship of time and space... Keeping in mind too as the waves rise high, it too has to come down to the base, the core before it rises again and at the same time one in the Zen..
TUOG was also happening at the same time in the Ramak' project. We had finished the 8 weeks group session and now starting a new group again for 7 weeks with 8 children.
The title of the project define by Alex with the mission Operation young 1, an 8 weeks program to explore the psychological and emotional needs of children growing up in the orphanges was indeed meaningful.

Gan-en Pris, for being a excellent ALS members; till we meet again, in next "group work" ya...